Blog Growth Engine Review (2025): Is Adam Enfroy A Legit Blogging Mentor?

Blog Growth Engine Review

When was the last time you read a really great blog post?

Well, hopefully, the answer is, “I’m reading one right now!”

But seriously, blogs are great. They give us great information, allow us to offer our thoughts and expertise to the world, and provide a whole load of entertainment.

And they can even help you make money too!

Adam Enfroy knows all about this. He’s made plenty of money from blogging, and he’s put together the Blog Growth Engine program to assist you on your own internet writing journey.

  • But is the course legit?
  • Is blogging even the right industry to be getting into right now?
  • Is there a better alternative out there for people who want to make a bit of money online?

I’m going to be covering all of this, and more, in my Blog Growth Engine review.

Let’s get straight into it…

Training Curriculum

Average Rating


There are definitely some Blog Growth Engine pros in the course content, particularly things like making sustainable money selling links, using the link exchange flywheel engine, and deploying more advanced tactics not covered on other blogging courses. There's not much in the way of direct mentoring, but the material across the entire course makes up for this. The private Facebook group offers a nice supportive community aspect.


  • The course content is pretty good, and you should learn something about keyword research and the blogging and affiliate marketing business.
  • Adam Enfroy really knows how blogs and search engines work, so you can rely on your guru's expertise.
  • Running your own blogs is a big part of online marketing, so there are certainly useful skills to acquire here.


  • Even with all the tools and skills on your side, it's incredibly hard to write content that actually sells.
  • Competition is sky-high in the blogging world, and students may find it difficult to make their voices heard.
  • Affiliate marketing is a particularly difficult business model, so some students may end up disappointed.

TLDR – Will The Blog Growth Engine Course Maximize Your Blogging Business?

Will The Blog Growth Engine Course Maximize Your Blogging Business

There’s blogging. And then there’s blogging. There’s writing fun posts about your pets and your recent trip to Mount Rushmore, and then there’s writing content that actually drives profit.

With the Blog Growth Engine course, Adam Enfroy is all about the latter. He wants to help you launch a profitable blogging business and become a superstar in the blogging world.

Once you’ve navigated the free online courses, you’ll find out what this is all about. Adam’s put some good stuff into this system. His Minimum Viable Post (MVP) concept is pretty cool, and should get you firing out and publishing ideas in double-quick time.

The content assembly line is solid too. You’re essentially learning to get your blog post workflow dialed in, so you can keep hitting those high notes of quality and profitability while optimizing how you use your time.

But is Blog Growth Engine worth the cost? If you buy Blog Growth Engine, are you on the fast track to a successful blog and stunning affiliate revenue?

It’s hard to say…

There May Be Trouble Ahead…

Blog Growth Academy

Any idea how many new blog posts land on the internet every day? Millions… actual millions!

And how many of these blogs are raking in the Google traffic by sitting pretty on the first page of the search engines results? About 20 per search term.

Maybe you see what I’m getting at here. To make money blogging you’ve got to beat millions of other people at their own game. We’re talking advanced bloggers who know this market inside out, with solid personal brand blog content that their readers love.

And you, as a newbie in this world, are going to have to go toe-to-toe with these guys, and wipe them off the map.

Now, this is far from impossible. We all know who won when David took on Goliath. And I’m certain that Adam and his crew are going to give you some great tools and strategies to help you build your online authority and taste a little bit of that sweet blogging success.

But guaranteed success?

That’s just not possible. Most people do not make it with a blogging business, and that’s the bottom line. Adam Enfroy has. His partner Colin Shipp has. And I’m sure some of their students have too. But the majority do not.

Is this a risk you really want to take?

Not for me…

You see… me, I love blogging. But I blog on the side while I make my main income from something a bit more stable. And that something is local lead generation, and Digital Leasing.

With Digital Leasing, you’re learning how to set up a lead generation site in a local niche. Think… dog grooming services, storm damage repair… something like that.

Then, you lease that site out to the business owners who desperately need your leads. They get the revenue boost they need to survive, and you get a solid monthly digital rental income, hitting your bank account like clockwork.

This model manages to be both stable and spectacular…

It’s stable because you can predict exactly how much income you’re going to be getting each month… it’s almost impossible to do that with blogging!

And it’s spectacular because you’re earning up to $2k+ on each site every month… in semi-passive income. Now that’s definitely impossible to do with blogging!

So not only are you building your future, you’re freeing up your time, money and effort in the present too. You can spend quality time with your family, travel like you always dreamed, or finally start that personal blog… sharing your expertise and passions with the world.

It’s up to you.

Hit the link to begin your Digital Leasing journey today…

Time Investment2.5 out of 5 starsContent marketing isn’t exactly the least time-intensive business model. You’ve got to product the stuff, after all! However, Blog Growth Engine does give you plenty of resources to help ease the journey a little bit.
Level of Control2.8 out of 5 starsAs there is a lot of SEO content and some affiliate marketing phases to the course, total control is impossible. Despite this, I think Adam and Colin do a great job of helping you stay on top of everything.
Ease of Implementation2.8 out of 5 starsAdam and Colin teach their material very well, and everything is quite impressive. You should be able to implement everything without too much hassle, although things like technical SEO are famously difficult.
Profit Potential2.9 out of 5 starsThere’s certainly profit to be made from content marketing. However, most people won’t achieve the mega profits these guys are talking about. This is simply because of the nature of the market – it’s statistically unlikely that you’ll become one of the big earners.

Who Will Benefit From The Blog Growth Engine Course & Who Won’t?

Who Will Benefit From The Blog Growth Engine Course & Who Won’t

Blog content might be for everyone… but actually writing blogs and making money off it definitely is not. Some people might want to give this a go, but others won’t get much joy from the program…

You Might Be Interested In This Program, If…

  • You want to up your organic traffic and SEO skills.
  • You have a product or service to sell, or a business to market.
  • You love the commercial side of writing.

You Probably Won’t Get Much Out Of This, If…

  • You want to write at your own pace and work on a passion project.
  • You’re not convinced that affiliate link marketing is a good business model to get into.
  • You don’t really have much of a writing background.

Dive into my detailed listing article for an in-depth exploration of the top Lead Generation Courses & Gurus in the field.

The Blog Growth Engine: Your 1,000 FT View

The Blog Growth Engine: Your 1,000 FT View

This is where we step back and get the bigger picture from the course.

Business Model: Content Marketing

The Adam Enfroy Blog Growth Engine business model is content creation and marketing. You’ll become the proud business owner of a blogging organization. By using affiliate marketer techniques, keyword monetization, guest posts, and link building, you’ll launch your own blog into the stratosphere.

  • You can either use this knowledge to drive conversions for your own products…
  • …or, you can offer your skills to clients, offering blog monetization and digital marketing services on a professional basis.

But before you dive straight in with this one, I’d keep a few things in mind…

  1. 7.5 million blog articles are published every day so you’ve got a lot of competition out there.
  2. 35% of bloggers who spend more than six and half hours on an article report strong results… which means 65% are basically throwing 6.5 hours down the drain
  3. Around 95% of affiliate marketers fail, which is a worry as affiliate marketing course content is a big part of what Adam is offering.

The Adam Enfroy Reviews: Who Is The Guru?

Adam Enfroy

Adam Enfroy has come a long way from working in a pizza restaurant and making nine bucks an hour. First, it was digital marketing that caught his attention, and he found he was pretty good at this.

However, it was blogging that became Adam’s true calling. He started a blog back in 2019, and achieved some good successes. To really allow his writing to take off, though, he had to shift from a part-time writer mindset to a full-time digital marketing director approach.

It was this approach that helped Adam to scale his blog up to nearly $100k a month. And that’s where his course comes in… he wants to help other people achieve the same.

How Much Is The Blog Growth Engine Price?

So how much does Blog Growth Engine cost… what is the Blog Growth Engine price exactly?

Well, you’ve got some free training.

But after that, you’re going to need to pay for the main course.

That used to be $3,997, but it seems you can get the course for $,1997 these days

I’ve also found people saying you can access the course for only $997, when you use a discount from one of Adam’s webinars.

Is There A Blog Growth Engine Scam You Ought To Know About?

Blog Growth Engine Trustpilot

Now this is a really big question. If there’s a Blog Growth Engine Scam going on, you really need to know about.

So let’s take a moment to check out what’s happening with Adam’s course.

Over on Trustpilot, things are looking nice and rosy. It’s 100% five-star reviews over here. But, looking closer, you’ll see that that 100% is just one-out-of-one. That’s right, there’s just one review. But at least it’s good.

Blog Growth Engine Trustpilot

Trustpilot actually weight their reviews based on volume and age. As this review is pretty recent, it translates to a 3.7 out of 5 rating overall. Ok, that’s still not bad.

On Reddit, people are being a little less kind with their Adam Enfroy reviews… what else is new?

Blog Growth Engine Reddit

This Redditor is talking about how Adam got hammered by changes to the algorithm, and is suggesting some of this tech and on-page SEO tactics don’t really work so well any more. They also say the course content is “basic.”

Blog Growth Engine Reddit

This other Redditor spoofed us all by offering their own blogging secret for only $9700! Only, there’s no secret… the Redditor says not to bother with blogging course programs, and just write about your passions and “stick at it”.

To be honest. I’d say all of this is pretty inconclusive. But “inconclusive” does NOT mean “scam”. Adam Enfroy is a well known figure in the digital marketing world, and if he was ripping people off you’d have heard about. Trust me… people love shouting about scams online.

I admit it’s a bit of a worry to hear that his SEO credentials aren’t what they used to be. But this isn’t scam behavior… this is the way with lots of courses, especially ones that deal with organic traffic and search intent. Results are very rarely guaranteed.

As Forrest Gump might put it, “SEO blogging is like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re gonna get”.

My Personal Opinion On Adam Enfroy’s Blogging Course

my opinion

Now that we’ve weighed up some of the different aspects of this program, let me give you my personal opinion.

So I’m a fan of the main course content. I totally agree that organic traffic and marketing are super important, and so blog writing is something entrepreneurs should be doing. Hey, I’m writing one myself right now!

Let’s be honest, there are quite a lot of different blogging courses out there. I’d say this one slightly edges ahead of some of the others. I quite like the idea of a Minimum Viable Website Post as a way to boost your efficiency even when you’re feeling up against it. And I think things like the slack link exchange group and private community definitely add something you’re not getting elsewhere.

But I do worry about two things here…

  1. What some of the more successful bloggers are saying…


  1. The state of the market right now…

To that first point…. lots of people who are already doing super well from blog writing don’t really recommend courses. They say you can find the technical SEO stuff for free elsewhere, and the writing stuff? Well you hone that yourself over time.

And how about that second point?

Well I’m a content creator myself, and my analytics tells me that people do read my stuff. This all by itself probably puts me in the top 30% or so of bloggers around the world.

But is this my main source of income? Not by a long shot. I’m sure plenty of people are scoring better revenue than me with their blogs, but unless you’re one of these lucky ones, you’re going to be looking elsewhere to supplement the money you receive from blogging.

Let’s roll that back a second… if blogging and writing isn’t my main source of income, what is? For a little while now, the answer to that question has been local lead generation and Digital Leasing.

By building a local lead generation site, and leasing it out to local business owners, I was basically setting myself free. I gained real skills from the guys at Digital Leasing – picking up knowledge you defintely can’t find in a free YouTube video – and then I put those skills to work.

I set up my sites. I started bringing in a solid monthly income, while giving my partners the leads they needed. And because these sites almost run themselves, I was freeing up my time with semi-passive income.

Yeah I spend a lot of time writing blogs. That’s because I like writing blogs… I like sharing what I know about the world of online business, and giving my readers the answers they need.

In essence, that’s what great blogging is all about. This is how you feel that sense of reward and achievement from article writing. If you’re relying on your blog as your only source of income… that sense of reward and achievement is going to be quickly replaced by stress and anxiety.

And no one wants that!

Do you want to set yourself free from this kind of uncertain business model, and find something a bit more stable?

Hit the link to discover more about how Digital Leasing can make this happen.

What’s Inside The Blog Growth Engine Blog Content Creation System?

Blog Growth Engine

Let’s take a quick look inside Blog Growth Engine…

The Free Training

Blog Growth Engine Masterclass

  • A step-by-step system that Adam himself has used to achieve a profitable blog, in a matter of months rather than years.
  • A range of content, affiliate marketing and link building strategies, all of which Adam used to make a million dollars back in 2023.
  • Adam’s top way for people to go from nothing to $10,000 in a month, even if you don’t have writing experience or bags of self-confidence.

Income University Masterclass

  • A way to do profitable business niche selection the right way, based on your personal situation.
  • How to maximize your money even if your audience is super small, using blogs and YouTube channel strategies.
  • A fast-track to more than $10k a month from affiliates, ads, sponsors, and sales, without having to blow your budget.

YouTube Growth Engine

  • What Adam calls his “dead simple formula”. This is a way for your videos to keep on generating interest and attention, long after you’ve posted them.
  • A strategy to monetize your YouTube channel straight away, rather than waiting around for months or even years to get paid.
  • Content ideas and strategies for people who don’t have any experience in front of the camera, or who are maybe just a bit shy.
  • A five step crash course for a profitable YouTube channel.

The Premium Training

The Main Blog Growth Engine System

The PhaseWhat’s It All About?The Video Lessons
Phase #1: Building Your $10k A Month PlanThe first phase of the course is your chance to get to know Adam Enfroy and his partner Colin Shipp. But it’s not just a meet and great… you’re getting a great introduction into how you can build your successful business. AI is a particular focus here.Overview video
The Impact of AI on Blogging
The Brand of You
The Authority Flywheel 
The Authority Flywheel (Exercise)
How to Choose a Domain Name
Build Momentum in Daily Work
Phase #2: Search Intent And Keyword ResearchBlogging is basically supposed to be a medium through which leads flow. To make this happen for real, you need to be hitting the right keywords and really nailing searcher intent. There’s useful SEO content and trend mapping strategies in this phase.Your Keyword Foundation
Search Intent Decoded for Rankings
Keyword Monetization Matrix Reloaded
Step-by-Step Keyword Research
How to Spot Trends (Emerging Topics)
Your Topical Mapping Strategy
Phase #3: Mindset For Guaranteed SuccessAdam is all about speed and efficiency. This means you need to gear you mindset to support you on your journey. He’s got some pretty radical, tough-love ideas here, like denying the existence of motivation and and eliminating all excuses.Mindset Overview For Success 
Motivation Doesn’t Exist
From Blindfolds to Clarity 
Rewiring Your Brain 
Rolling with the Punches
No More Excuses 
Phase #4: How To Build Your WebsiteI’m not saying Adam hasn’t already provided useful practical tips, but we’re really getting down to it in phase four. Here you’ll discover the tools you need, and the steps you’ve got to take, to develop a highly effective website.Website Overview (MVP Concept)
Your Website Toolkit (The Essentials)
Step-by-Step Website Setup 
Kadence Overview and Design
Essential Pages To Protect Your Site
Creating Custom Images in Canva 
Phase #5: Blog Content CreationThe title of the course is all about blogging… so blog content creation is going to be vital. This is where Adam fills you in on his content assembly line, getting technical SEO right, and producing minimum viable posts (MVPs).The Content Assembly Line 
Minimum Viable Post Method (MVP) 
Your Blog Post Workflow 
Your First Blog Post (Linkbait Concept) 
Informational Content Assembly Line 
Transactional Content Assembly Line 
Internal Links to Boost Your SEO Strategy 
Understanding The Basics of Technical SEO 
Phase #6: Webcopy MasterclassApparently this is sort of a “phase five, part two” module. Adam is talking about really hacking your audience’s psychology, so they buy what you’re selling when they read your blogs. There are useful templates to follow here too.Web Content 101 
Quality Content 101 
Sales Copy 101 
Templates For Great Content and Copy 
Phase #7: Link BuildingLink building is still a big part of blogging and SEO, but you need to do it right. Adam has some useful info here on guestblogging, and on how to use a link audit so you don’t fall foul of Google.Link Building Fundamentals
Step-by-Step Link Building (Part 1) 
Step-by-Step Link Building (Part 2) 
The Link Exchange Flywheel Engine
Properly Execute a Backlink Audit 
HARO with AI For Quality Links 
Links at Scale Featuring Hanson
Phase #8: Monetizing Your BrandMonetization is vital… without it, there’s no chance of profitability. In this phase Adam is talking all things affiliate marketing, so you can scale and monetize your own personal brand.The 4 Phases of Profit
The Affiliate Marketing Machine
Getting Your First Sponsorship
Build Your Own AIO Agency
Phase #9: Monetizing Your SkillsThere’s more monetization content here in phase nine. This time, it’s all about your own skills… how you can identify them, develop them, and then sell them to paying clients.Overview Of Skill Monetization 
How And What Skills To Monetize
When To Make The Sell
Find Golden Opportunities In Outreach
Making Money with Freelance Writing
Making Money Selling Links
Making Money with Marketing Packages
Pricing 101 and Predictable Revenue
Billing, Proposals, and Contracts
Scaling, Systemizing, and Outsourcing
Phase #10: Content UpdatesContent marketing is always evolving. In the second to last phase, Adam and the team are talking about how to make sure what you’re writing stays fresh and relevant for longer.Content Updates For Better Rankings
Site Audit To Overcome Google Updates
Phase #11: Scaling And OutsourcingIn the final phase, Adam and Colin are talking about how you can hire team members and outsource key tasks. This is really an opportunity to shift gears, driving your content production processes to the next level of scalability.Your First Hire to Optimize Workflows 
Scaling with Efficiency and Hire Lean
Bonus Phases: Recommended Tools, And Next StepsThere is more content available after the main course is over. Two bonus modules await, as well as exclusive discounts on tools you might want to use. On top of this, there are regular question and answer sessions with some of the expert partners of the team.Recommended Tools
Next Steps After Completing the Course

My Blog Growth Engine Review: What’s The Conclusion?

Like all great blogs… this Blog Growth Engine review is coming to an end.

All in all, I’m pretty impressed by what Adam has done here. He’s put together a set of comprehensive teachings that help budding entrepreneurs supercharge their income.

I just think, for the most part, bloggers don’t tend to make that much money from their writing. They tend to do it on the side, bringing in revenue from elsewhere.

With this in mind, you might end up feeling like the course wasn’t quite worth the investment.

If you’d like to keep on blogging, safe in the knowledge that you’ve got a solid, recurring income on lock, I suggest you check out my #1 pick for making money in 2025…

Also, read my Write Your Way To Freedom review that covers its thorough training, direct coaching, and vibrant community. It’s strong overall, but the business model might not be ideal for everyone.

In my My Lead Gen Secret review, you’ll find details on its affordable lead generation plan. Despite some user success, concerns about lead quality and an MLM-like approach suggest careful consideration.

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2025? 

My top recommendation for making money online.

I’ve done the whole content marketing thing… and it just didn’t work out as my main source of income.

Other business models, even less so. Amazon FBA, dropshipping? Just not sustainable enough. Too much “trading my time for money”… and not even very much money.

This is why I ended up looking for something different… Digital Leasing.

The team behind Digital Leasing got me off to a flying start. I quickly learned the ropes of local lead generation, found the right niche, and built my simple but effective website.

Next it was marketing. I found a local business client in my niche, and leased the site out to them. This was someone who desperately needed the leads I was sending their way.

So they got the tens of thousands of dollars in revenue boost they needed to grow and thrive. And I got something I’d never had before… sustainable, reliable income that wasn’t eating up all my precious time.

Here’s why I think Digital Leasing is such a gamechanger…

  1. It’s Super Close To Passive Income: After the site set-up is completw, you’ll be running these digital rental properties with just a few clicks and a few minutes of your time a day. You finally got the chance to take control of your life.
  2. It Really Makes Things Happen For Local Businesses: Maybe my favorite thing about this business model is the difference it makes to real people. You’re local business community is absolutely everything to the neighborhood, and Digital Leasing gives you the chance to do your bit and help out.
  3. It’s Easy To Scale: When I wanted to scale up my local lead generation business, I simply sought out another niche and build another site. I had all the tools, skills, and know-how from the first one, so it didn’t take me long to double my income. From here… the sky’s the limit.

Want to learn more?

Check out this video and begin your journey with Digital Leasing today!

Elijah Olivas
Founder | 9 To 5 Renegade

Hey, I'm Elijah! I ditched the typical 9-to-5 after realizing it wasn't for me. Once I graduated, I launched a garage door and fence business but struggled to attract customers. That changed with a local marketing course, which skyrocketed my business.

Now, I run Digital Shortcuts, sharing insights about life-altering courses. It's about carving your own path and discovering what truly changes your life. Join me in exploring these unique journeys and turning entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

Learn more about my #1 opportunity here.