Agency Master Academy Reviews (2025): Is Jeff Baxter The Best Ad Agency Coach?

Agency Master Academy Reviews

The ad agency bizz has come along way from Don Draper, lunchtime martinis, and eye-wateringly expensive Madison Avenue offices.

Now, you can run your own agency from the comfort of your own home. All you need is an internet connection, some marketing wizardry, and a whole lot of drive…

But there are people out there who believe it’s even easier than this!

Enter Jeff Baxter. With his Agency Master Academy program, he’s offering a bunch of customer acquisition templates, internet business outsourcing tricks, and a task automation platform… basically, a load of stuff to ease your journey to agency success.

The idea is to help you run ads that drive massive revenue for your clients… the easy way.

But if you’re anything like me, hearing a guru talk about “the easy way” might set a few alarm bells ringing. There’s very rarely an easy way…

So what are we dealing with here?

  • Is Jeff Baxter helping you shift gears and leave your agency competitors in the dust?
  • Or are you just taking the fast track to a dead end?

Let’s find out in my Agency Master Academy reviews roundup…

Training Curriculum

Average Rating


The training is not bad at all, particularly the client acquisition sales funnel and Facebook ads library content. The mentoring edges it though, with weekly coaching calls to help you on the way. I couldn't find much information about the community.


  • The business training coaching calls are good for anyone looking for further mentoring.
  • Jeff certainly knows how to attract clients and ensure marketing campaigns create real interest, so you're learning from a pro.
  • The business foundation module and Facebook business manager content are useful, so you should at least learn something.


  • The ads agency business is super-saturated, and it can be hard to make your mark.
  • There's too much emphasis on outsourcing and automation, which seem a bit like corner-cutting.
  • There aren't any independent reviews, which makes it hard to know exactly what is going on.

TLDR – Will Agency Master Academy Revolutionize Your Social Media Marketing Agency?

Will Agency Master Academy Revolutionize Your Social Media Marketing Agency

From business foundation to running and scaling a successful agency, Jeff Baxter is here to teach you about all things social media marketing.

If you’re getting a bit of deja vu here, you’re not alone. When I was researching this, I had to double check I was looking at the right program. There’s just so many of these social media marketing services gurus around these days, it’s getting really hard to sort one from the other.

So what actually makes Jeff different?

Well, the first thing that jumps out at me here is ease. Jeff is all about the chill way to build a successful business.

  • Struggling to build your email marketing lists and land clients? Just automate it!
  • Nervous about running your Facebook Ad campaign? Put one of the done-for-you templates on the case!
  • Worrying about service delivery while you scale your business? Outsourcing is going to take a load off your mind!

Now I’m certainly not saying that Jeff himself is all about the easy way. Instead, it looks like he’s working hard so you don’t have to. He’s taken the hard knocks and learned the tough lessons, so you can become the Homer Simpson of the social media marketing agency game.

The other thing that sets Jeff’s online programs apart is the free stuff. Agency Master Academy teaches that some things in life actually are free.

A free LinkedIn strategy is a one of the ways Jeff teaches you how to bring in clients without spending big bucks. Cold calling is another one. There are premium methods in here too, like learning how to setup Facebook Ad campaign strategies, and running different online ads combinations.

So it seems like you’re getting a fairly well-rounded set of strategies.

But I Do Have A Few Problems With The Whole Thing…

Jeff Baxter

The first problem I’ve got is that a lot of the course content feels a bit rushed. Like you can just skip whole parts of the process and just race to running active advertising campaigns and operating your own ad agency.

But you know what happens when you cut corners? Things tend to go wrong… and fast.

You wouldn’t try to build a house without the proper structural reinforcement. The thing would just fall down.

You wouldn’t try to shave two minutes off the school run by driving across your neighbor’s yard. The police might have a thing or two to say about that.

So I don’t think just throwing outsourcing, automation and DFY templates into the mix is going to help you grow and scale your own agency. It feels a bit like putting a band-aid on something you really ought to be getting checked out in the emergency room

Then there’s the free stuff. Hey, I love getting stuff for free. But do you have any idea how successful most LinkedIn lead-gen campaigns are? Not very

And don’t even get me started on cold calling. I don’t think most people get into digital marketing because they love people slamming the phone down on them…

And finally, the market itself! Jeff is a very charismatic guy, and he does a great job of making this sound like a fantastic business model. And it is… for some people anyway. For most people though, the competition is strangling the market.

If you’re getting started in this world now, you’re not just a small fish… you’re a small fish in a small pond with a million other small fish in there with you. And you’re all battling it out for the same few scraps of food. Nope, not good.

I Actually Found Myself Checking Out Something Quite Different…

I gave the whole social media marketing thing a go. It didn’t end well… that’s how I know first-hand how perilous this market really is.

In the end, all that dogfighting and disappointment got the better of me. And I headed for pastures new… local lead generation, and Digital Leasing.

With Digital Leasing, you’ll build your own local lead gen website and start firing traffic to your local business partners. These business owners give you a solid monthly digital rental income in return, sometimes to the tune of a few thousand bucks.

But here’s what really sealed the deal for me…

  1. There’s no cutting corners – You’re not using automation and outsourcing as cheat codes to accelerate your business journey. The Digital Leasing guys are teaching you everything you need to know about how to run a rank-and rent business.
  2. The costs are totally within your control – Rather than targeting freebies and race-to-the-bottom outsourcing models, Digital Leasing gives you a sustainable business model with low startup costs. You control everything, so maintaining this sustainability is easy.
  3. You’re the go-to in your niche – How many different local businesses do you know? There’s probably hundreds, and that’s just in your area alone. Across the country, we’re talking tens of thousands. This isn’t something that’s going to get saturated… you find your niche, and make it your own.

So how about giving Digital Leasing a whirl, just like I did?

Hit the link right here to start your journey with Digital Leasing today…

Time Investment2.8 out of 5 starsJeff is big on the whole ‘time investment’ thing. This is why you’ll find lots of information on automation and outsourcing in his course. However, to do the job properly, you’re still going to need to put the hours in.
Level of Control1.9 out of 5 starsWhen you use Jeff’s methods, you definitely lose some control. Automation means relying on other people’s systems to get the job done, while outsourcing is a constant compromise between efficacy and cost.
Ease of Implementation3.2 out of 5 starsIf nothing else, the course and the methods are easy to implement. You’ve got plenty of things you can put into place straightaway, like automated mailing list systems. Whether they work, though, is another question altogether.
Profit Potential1.6 out of 5 starsWith so much competition in the market, running a new digital marketing agency is always going to be a struggle. I don’t necessarily think automation and outsourcing are the answers either. It feels like cutting corners when what you need is to shore up your experience.

Who Will Benefit From The Agency Master Academy & Who Won’t?

Who Will Benefit From The Agency Master Academy & Who Won’t

Can this course help just anyone join the ranks of successful online business owners? I’m not so sure…

You Might Be Interested In This Course, If…

  • You like the idea of free marketing and automating the client acquisition funnel.
  • You are looking for a fast way to become an agency owner.
  • You’re impressed with Jeff’s backstory and want to achieve the same.

You Probably Won’t Get Much From This, If…

  • You don’t want to cut corners on your business foundation.
  • You’re worried about an over saturated market.
  • You want to check out independent reviews before you begin.

Ready for more digital marketing insights? Explore my roundup of the top Digital Marketing Courses & Gurus.

Jeff Baxter’s Agency Master Academy: Your 1,000 FT View

Jeff Baxter's Agency Master Academy: Your 1,000 FT View

It’s time to take a closer look at exactly what we’re working with here. Let’s get that full picture…

Business Model: Social Media Marketing Agency

The business model here is social media marketing. Essentially, you’re creating compelling video sales letters, stand alone campaigns, and client advertising strategies to make money for your clients.

It’s a legit business model, and plenty of people have achieved success here. However, there are a few things to keep in mind…

  1. There are around 45,000 digital marketing agencies in the USA right now…
  2. Digitization is driving many existing ad agencies into the online marketing space
  3. All of this translates to enormous amounts of competition, effectively squeezing the little guy out of the market all together.

Who Is Jeff Baxter?

Jeff Baxter

Jeff Baxter is a respected digital marketer. His personal coaching has supported over a dozen entrepreneurs as they achieve 7 figure incomes.

Right now, he runs an ad agency with a $3M a year budget. With hands-on support Jeff believes he is the guy to lead would-be social media marketers to success.

How Much Does The Agency Master Academy Cost?

Agency Master Academy cost

How much does the Agency Master Academy cost?

Well, it’s difficult to say. You’ve got to apply and speak to one of the certified success coaches to get on the course and no price is given.

It also seems that there aren’t any consultation spots available right now.

Is There an Agency Master Academy Scam You Need To Worry About?

The million dollar question… the “Agency Master Academy scam” question!

So I did a bit of detective work, and I didn’t find very much at all! There are reviews of Jeff and his program on his personal website, but these testimonials are all part of the marketing pitch, so I’m going to discount these.

Elsewhere? Not much. I did dig up a bit of controversy about Jeff “Skunk” Baxter leaving Steely Dan to join the Doobie Brothers… but I don’t think we can pin that on this Jeff Baxter.

I would like to see a bit more independent testimony and honest opinion on the guru and his course. But just because I can’t find any doesn’t mean we should be jumping to conclusions. It takes time for courses to gain traction online. We might have a bit more to work with in a few months.

So I’m not going to sit here and point any fingers. Jeff seems like a decent guy and I’ve no reason to think there’s a scam going on here. You might want to wait and see if any more reliable reviews emerge, but I don’t think you’re going to get ripped off if you do decide to join in on Jeff’s journey.

My Personal Opinion On Jeff Baxter And His Agency Master Academy

My personal opinion

Here’s my personal opinion on the whole thing…

Is the guru someone worth following? Sure… why not. I like Jeff and he seems like a great guy to give you advice on possible business strategies.

Is Agency Master Academy good? It’s not bad… I’m certain you’ll get some decent information here. The business funding secrets module in particular seems pretty solid.

But does Agency Master Academy work? This is where I’m not quite so sure. I think it’s certainly going to work for some people. For others, though, not so much.

The major issues I’ve got here are…

  1. The whole saving time, money and effort thing

I’m all for working smarter, not harder. And I certainly don’t believe that spending all your time, money and effort on work is the right way to go about it.

  • But using automation as a kind of magic “never-work-another-day in your life” potion?
  • Undercutting outsourced professionals in an attempt to save a few bucks?
  • Cold calling your prospects as part of your client acquisition sales funnel?

No… I don’t think so. I think these things are exercises in cutting corners, and you’re just storing up problems for the future.

  1. The dog-eat-dog business model.

Have you any idea how many digital marketing agencies there are in the USA? The number runs into the tens of thousands.

And most of these guys are going after the same static number of clients. That means a ton of competition, and an endless source of stress for you.

To get ahead, you’ve got to do more than just be good. You’ve got to be among the very best. No ad agency courses can promise you that.

I Prefer Something Way More Sustainable

When I was doing the whole digital marketing agency thing, I quickly found that competition just too stressful.

I ended up looking elsewhere and finding local lead generation and digital leasing…

With Digital Leasing, you’re not juggling the client’s ad budget with advertising rules and regulations, while trying desperately to run successful marketing campaigns.

You simply set up your lead generation website and find local businesses to lease it too.

Sure, there may be troubles along the way. But the Digital Leasing guys can help you make the ride a little smoother. Identifying profitable niches and securing great client contracts becomes a lot easier with the Digital Leasing techniques and tools on your side.

What you’re left with is a business structure that almost runs itself. You’re…

  • Getting regular income each and every month.
  • Making a real difference for local business partners.
  • And taking back control of your life with semi-passive income.

It’s hard to do any of this when you’re running an advertising agency…

Hit the link right here to get started with Digital Leasing and local lead generation today…

What’s Inside The Agency Master Academy?

Agency Master Academy

To find out what’s really going on with the Agency Master Academy’s products, you need to take a look beneath the surface…

The TrainingWhat’s It All About?
Module One – Business FoundationThe first module is about setting up your company. You’ll discover the relative benefits of sole proprietorships, S-corporations, or LLCs and learn about the different niches and tools available to you.
Module Two – Client Acquisition Sales FunnelAutomated systems can really help you to hit your agency targets. These systems can help you build your mailing list and score success with email marketing.
Module Three – Getting Clients Without SpendingFree client acquisition methods are always a bonus. Jeff teaches you about platforms like LinkedIn, where you can get clients without spending any money. Cold calling is also covered.
Module Four – Facebook AdsYou won’t be able to do everything for free though, you will need to spend some money on Facebook Ads. Jeff teaches you how to test, develop, and run ads successfully.
Module Five – Outsourcing Your BusinessOutsourcing is one of Jeff’s top ways to reduce costs and scale your business property. Sales calls and service options are some of the things Jeff encourages you to outsource.
Bonus Module – Business SecretsThe course may be finished, but there’s a bonus module here. This business secrets training covers bringing in funding for your organization, and enhancing your credit score.

My Agency Master Academy Reviews Roundup: What’s The Conclusion?

Let’s bring this Agency Master Academy reviews roundup to an end.

I think overall Jeff has put together a good course here. For me, though it probably leans a little too much towards the whole automation and outsourcing thing.

If you’re making automation and outsourcing your main techniques for saving time and money, it’s dangerous. You could end up losing control of key aspects of your business, and seeking out the cheapest freelancers possible… rather than looking for quality.

This is why I actually recommend something quite different for people looking to make money online…

In my Niche Marketplace review, I found that the course is basic, taught by an AI figure, and lacks mentorship and community support-definitely some red flags.

My Jumpcut Academy review highlights fun courses and expert insights, but the lack of mentorship means a less personalized experience, although community support is a nice bonus.

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2025? 

My top recommendation for making money online.

I’ve given a lot of online business models a go in the past.

I’ve had a lot of experience with online business models…

I even managed to make a bit of money here and there. I had good days with Amazon FBA, dropshipping, affiliate marketing… but I had a ton of bad days too.

And when those bad days started outweighing the good, I realized the whole thing just wasn’t sustainable. I was just trading my valuable time for an unreliable stream of income.

Something had to give…

Then I discovered Digital Leasing… and everything changed.

With the skills I learned from the Digital Leasing guys, I built my very own local lead generation site. I found my local business niche, and then I started optimizing the site for bringing in those awesome leads.

But Digital Leasing isn’t just about building the site. It’s about marketing it too… reaching out to business owners and securing the digital rental contract.

After a month or so of preparation, my site was up and running. I was firing red-hot leads to my local business partners, and making a real difference for the community.

These businesses are desperate for leads. And the conversion rate was so good that my partner was happy giving me $2k a month in return for the service.

But there’s more…

  1. Semi-Passive Income: It takes a bit of work to get the site up, but it’s super-easy to maintain. Thousands of dollars a month, for less than an hour of work a day. It’s not a dream… it’s a reality.
  2. Keeping Local Businesses Alive: I agree that digital marketing agencies are giving a great service, but local lead generation is a cut above. These lead gen sites are giving businesses the lifeline they desperately need.
  3. Unlimited Scalability: Digital Leasing gives you the tools and knowledge to build as many sites you like. Once you’ve started generating income in one niche, you can start your search for another. Keep on building sites, and keep on multiplying your income… almost impossible with any other business model.

Does this sound like something you’d like to explore?

Get started with Digital Leasing today!

Elijah Olivas
Founder | 9 To 5 Renegade

Hey, I'm Elijah! I ditched the typical 9-to-5 after realizing it wasn't for me. Once I graduated, I launched a garage door and fence business but struggled to attract customers. That changed with a local marketing course, which skyrocketed my business.

Now, I run Digital Shortcuts, sharing insights about life-altering courses. It's about carving your own path and discovering what truly changes your life. Join me in exploring these unique journeys and turning entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

Learn more about my #1 opportunity here.